Digital twins: a winning strategy for telcos?

telco digital twins

With the Connected Britain coming up, now’s a good time to consider one of the topics that’s high on the event agenda: Digital Twins. What are they, and why are telcos talking about them? Read on… Digital twins: a winning strategy for telcos? What’s a digital twin? Well, instead of a physical device, imagine you […]

DTW Ignite: Talking points

DTW Ignite Experience

In what telco domains can solutions vendors expect to find sales opportunities over the coming months and years? The recent TM Forum event pointed towards some answers to that question. Read on to find out… DTW Ignite 2024 is in the books and given the TM Forum’s role as one of the industry’s leading advocacy […]

5G or not 5G? (that’s the question)

In recent blogs, we’ve looked at 5G from various angles. In this one, we’ll get back to basics. While the use of the term “5G” is now widespread, it’s also casual in its application. That’s because there are two fundamental types of 5G network, and when it’s used, the commonplace term rarely distinguishes between them. […]

DTW Ignite. But what’s igniting?

DTW Ignite Event

The TMForum’s Digital Transformation World event is only a few weeks away now. What can we expect to hear and learn about in Copenhagen? As ever, the clue is in the name: Digital Transformation. Still, the term – a somewhat bland not to mention overused one these days – doesn’t tell us much. Dig a […]

Reviewing Barcelona: two focal points from MWC24

Another Mobile World Congress is in the books, and by all accounts another successful event. It certainly was for us, and for eCS’ clients too. In this blog, we’ll wrap things up by looking at a couple of key themes that emerged from the telco industry’s leading event. Networks APIs… as we’ve already said! In […]

6G mobile: an early look at what’s next

In the world of mobile networks, it’s never too early to think about what’ll happen next! 6G is upon us, just about, and this being telecoms it’s never too early to look further ahead. As those of us who’ve been working in the industry for any length of time know only too well, no sooner […]

5G, 6G and Beyond: A brief guide to self-orchestrating networks

5G, 6G and Beyond

Every generation of mobile network has delivered its own technology advancements, perhaps none more sweeping than those associated with 5G. This manifests in any number of specific ways one of which, self-orchestration, we’ll focus on this blog. It’s central to what makes 5G different. But what is it exactly, and what are the components required […]

Connecting everything: challenges for IoT

Internet of Things

MWC24 will, as ever, explore the key challenges facing the communications industry. In this blog, we’ll make a head start on the discussion by looking at a major theme of the conference: the development of the Internet of Things. You probably don’t need to be told that connected devices are, now, everywhere. Analysts predict there’ll […]

Artificial Intelligence. This is just the beginning.

We hear quite a few terms bandied about these days not all of them well understood, so we thought it’d be worth writing a blog to familiarise ourselves further with one of them; Artificial Intelligence (AI). The term AI has become common, but that doesn’t mean it’s clearly grasped by all so here’s a primer. […]