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Generating leads for a Cloud B/OSS FttX Broadband providers


Generating leads for a Cloud B/OSS FttX Broadband providers with a 55% success rate

The client

eContact Services’ client is a global corporation who target many different sectors. This campaign was for the Company, within the Group, who specialise in the Telecommunications sector and has several products within its portfolio, specifically for CSPs.

This campaign focused on its comprehensive BSS/OSS solution which has been deployed with 35+ customers globally. The solution can be deployed end-to-end in the cloud as a platform as a service, or as specific software modules. In this case, eCS presented a version pre-configured to support an FTTX scenario, designed to enable either a rapid transformation in a brownfield site or a rapid launch in a green field situation.

The campaign

eContact Services was tasked with generating market awareness for the B/OSS stack, available as a full stack or in modules, for UK and Europe FTTX broadband providers, with the objective of delivering  at least 30% of target accounts to subsequent sales meetings.

Meetings booked with

  • CIO
  • CXO
  • CEO
  • Head of OSS
  • Head of BSS
  • Chief Architect

The challenge

eContact Services needed to understand and present the client’s product, demonstrating to prospects how it addressed several of their specific pain points. These included spelling out its rapid deployment times, low cost of ownership compared to competitor alternatives, ease of integration, compliance with industry standards, cloud native architecture, and the product’s SaaS deployment model.

In so doing, eCS needed and was also able to gather information about what products prospects already had in their IT stacks, their IT budgets and yearly spend, the degree to which they prioritized SaaS over CAPEX investments, and how their legacy systems were keeping pace with technology innovation. This information was helpful to the client’s sales directors when subsequent meetings with prospects took place.

The results

The eCS campaign targeted 20 operators. Of these, eCS delivered the client a total of 11 qualified sales meetings. This represented an outstanding 55% conversion rate.  The client was delighted with the results eCS was able to deliver and have continued to use eCS for additional campaigns.

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